
"…it’s been deeply meaningful to be able to bring him there… Thank you for everything. You’ve made a beautiful thing :)"

— Jiehae P, 2023


"We are grateful to be part of the Nabitokki community and appreciate you so much."

— Jonathan K, 2023


“Thank you so much for all that you have taught our daughter, E, this past semester. We are amazed by how much she has learned in such a short amount of time. Her grandparents speak only Korean and it seemed she could never understand why they spoke the way they do. Since starting NabiTokki, her relationship with them has truly deepened as she understands now that it’s Korean they are speaking!”

— Henry & Michelle K, 2023


“We are so grateful for the community at NabiTokki. The teachers are so caring and provide a warm, nurturing and safe environment for children to play and learn. The saying goes that it takes a village to raise a child, and we feel like we have finally found ours with this wonderful group of women who work hard to provide the highest level of care for their students. With their help and support, my child’s Korean language exposure and fluency has skyrocketed, along with a love for arts and crafts. It will be bittersweet to age out of this program but we are excited for NabiTokki to flourish and expand.”

— NOORHEE K, 2022

“NabiTokki has been the perfect preschool for my son. He has attended a few other programs but consistently said that Nabitokki was his favorite school. The teachers are warm and nurturing and the curriculum is fun yet educational. I am so thankful for NabiTokki as they are the only Korean preschool program available in Brooklyn. My only wish is that they had opened earlier so my older kids could have attended too!”

— HYUN-JUNG Y, 2022

“Our child loves NabiTokki and the teachers—almost every week he comes home with the cutest art projects. The teachers are so attentive to each child and showers them with love. As parents, we appreciate the daily updates and thoughtful monthly newsletters. Thanks to the Korean language program, our child understands Korean well and says some words in Korean and calls his older brother “hyung-a”. We can’t wait for NabiTokki to open full time in the future.”

— GRACE P, 2022

“Our daughter had a wonderful experience at NabiTokki. It provided her a nurturing and culturally rich environment. She loved the teachers at NabiTokki and misses them very much. She formed strong friendships, developed a deep interest for the Korean language and participated in fun & creative activities.”

— MIRIAM R, 2022